Chiropractic is a profession based on the relationship between the structure of the spine and the function of the nervous system. Because the nervous system controls and regulates the function of all the cells, tissues, and organs of the body, interference with the normal function of the nervous system can manifest itself in many ways, such as pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, abnormal organ function muscle weakness and postural dysfunction.
Each doctor is proficient in the following adjusting techniques:
- Gonstead adjusting technique
- Impulse (Instrument assisted)
- Extremity adjusting
Dr. Jeff Rindal has been adjusting spines and extremities since 1979. His experience caring for thousands of patients and treating a myriad of conditions allows him to tailor his treatment to maximize their health potential.
Dr. Brian Rindal has been practicing chiropractic since 2012. His experience working at NWCC has enabled him to be a very effective chiropractor with the special advantage of being certified and experienced in ART myofascial soft tissue release as well.